
What is a Birthstone? 

  Birthstones are gemstones associated with a person's birth month. They are often thought to bring good luck or have special significance. Each month is traditionally associated with a specific gemstone, and people born in that month are frequently given jewelry featuring their birthstone.

  Are there differences between the birthstones of the modern and traditional calendars? Yes!

  Traditional Birthstones:

  1. Varied Historical Sources: Traditional birthstones have a rich history and are often associated with ancient beliefs, customs, and religious practices. Different cultures had their lists of birthstones.
  2. Cultural and Regional Differences: Traditional birthstones can vary based on cultural and regional traditions. For example, the Hindu, Hebrew, and Arabic calendars have traditional birthstones.
  3. Number of Stones: In some traditional lists, each month may have multiple associated stones, and individuals could choose the one that resonated with them.

Modern Birthstones:

  1. Standardization: In 1912, the American National Retail Jewelers Association (now Jewelers of America) standardized the modern list of birthstones. This list aimed to create a more uniform and widely accepted set of birthstones.
  2. Single Stone per Month: The modern list typically designates one specific gemstone each month, simplifying selection.
  3. Influence of the Gemstone Industry: The modern list has been created influenced by the availability and popularity of certain gemstones. For example, adding gemstones like Tanzanite and Alexandrite to the contemporary list reflects their discovery and popularity in the 20th century.

Despite these differences, traditional and modern birthstones are available at local crystal shops, or individuals may choose to seek and purchase items with the stones that resonate the most with them.


Is there a difference between one's birthstone and zodiac sign? Yes!

  1.   Birthstone:
    • Definition: A birthstone is a gemstone traditionally associated with a specific month in the calendar year.
    • Association: Each month has one or more gemstones linked to it, and individuals born in that month are often associated with those specific stones.
    • Examples: For instance, someone born in January might have garnet as their birthstone, while someone born in July might have ruby or carnelian.
  2. Zodiac Sign:
    • Definition: A zodiac sign is a twelve-part division of the ecliptic (the Sun's apparent path across the celestial sphere) into different astrological signs, each associated with specific dates.
    • Association: One's zodiac sign is determined by the position of the Sun, date, and time at the time of your birth; moreover, this includes one's moon and rising signs. Twelve zodiac signs are associated with certain personality traits and characteristics.
    • Examples: A person born between March 21 and April 19 is an Aries, while someone born between April 20 through May 20 is a Taurus.

While birthstones and zodiac signs are linked to an individual's birth, they focus on different aspects. Birthstones are associated with specific months and are often used in jewelry. In contrast, zodiac signs are related to periods of the year. They are part of astrological beliefs about personality traits and characteristics. It's common for people to be interested in and identify with their birthstone and zodiac sign, incorporating these elements into personal expressions and beliefs.

Can there be more than one birthstone per month? Yes!

   In some cases, more than one birthstone can be associated with a particular month. This is more common in traditional lists of birthstones, where different cultures or historical sources may attribute multiple gemstones to a specific month. These variations can be based on cultural traditions, religious beliefs, or regional preferences.

For example, Aquamarine and bloodstones are birthstones in the traditional March list. Similarly, in the conventional list for June, you may find pearls, alexandrite, and moonstones as associated birthstones.

However, the modern list of birthstones, established by the American National Retail Jewelers Association (now Jewelers of America) in 1912, generally assigns one specific gemstone each month. This standardized list has become widely accepted and is the standard in contemporary jewelry practices.

Ultimately, embracing the traditional or modern list and choosing one birthstone or several is a matter of personal preference and cultural or family tradition. Some individuals may appreciate the flexibility of having multiple options for their birth month. In contrast, others may prefer the simplicity of a single designated stone.

Are there alternative birthstones? Yes!

  The concept of alternative birthstones gives individuals additional choices and flexibility when selecting a gemstone that resonates with them. There are several reasons why alternative birthstones exist:

  1. Personal Preferences: Different people may have varying preferences regarding gemstones. Some individuals may prefer the traditional or modern birthstone associated with their birth month. In contrast, others may find a more robust connection or aesthetic appeal to one of the alternative stones.
  2. Cultural and Regional Variances: Birthstone traditions can vary across cultures and regions. Alternative birthstones may reflect different cultural beliefs and historical practices associated with specific months.
  3. Metaphysical Properties: Some people believe in gemstones' magical properties, such as healing or spiritual benefits. Based on these properties, alternative stones may be chosen, allowing individuals to select one that aligns with their personal beliefs and goals.
  4. Availability and Budget: Gemstone availability and cost can vary. Some may choose alternative birthstones based on affordability, rarity, or the availability of certain stones in specific regions.
  5. Fashion and Trends: Over time, fashion trends and preferences for certain gemstones may change. Alternative birthstones allow individuals to choose stones in vogue or align with their style.
  6.  Offering alternative birthstones allows for customization and individuality. Some people may prefer to have unique and personalized jewelry by selecting a less common or unconventional gemstone associated with their birth month.
  7. Modern Influences: Recent gemstone discoveries and industry influences have introduced new stones. Alternative birthstones may include gemstones that have gained popularity or recognition more recently.

It's essential to recognize that the concept of traditional or modern birthstones is a traditional, folklore, and cultural practice. The use of alternative birthstones reflects the diversity of individual preferences and the evolving nature of jewelry traditions.

Birthstone(s) by month:

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Amethyst

Innovative and eccentric, Aquarians are ruled by Uranus. Amethyst, with its purple hues, resonates with Aquarius's intellectual and visionary nature. This gemstone is believed to enhance spiritual awareness, intuition, and clarity of thought, supporting Aquarians in pursuing progressive ideas and humanitarian causes.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Aquamarine

Ruled by Neptune, Pisceans are intuitive and compassionate. With its calming blue tones, Aquamarine aligns with Pisces's dreamy and empathetic nature. This gemstone is associated with emotional healing, clarity, and serenity, supporting Pisceans's artistic endeavors and spiritual exploration.

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Bloodstone

Fiery and dynamic, Arians are symbolized by the ram and ruled by Mars. Bloodstone, with its deep green color and red dots, aligns with the assertiveness and passion of Aries. This gemstone is believed to enhance courage and vitality, fostering a strong connection with Aries individuals' energetic and adventurous spirit.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Emerald

Ruled by Venus, Taurus individuals appreciate beauty and luxury. The Emerald, with its lush green hue, embodies the earthiness and sophistication of Taurus. This gemstone is associated with love and harmony, enhancing the Taurean sense of stability and grounding while promoting abundance and growth.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Agate

Geminis are known for their dual nature and intellectual curiosity. Agate, with its distinctive bands and variety of colors, reflects the multifaceted personality of Gemini. This gemstone is believed to enhance communication, balance, and harmony, supporting Geminis in expressing their versatile and adaptable nature.


Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Moonstone

Governed by the moon, Cancerians are sensitive and intuitive. Moonstone, with its ethereal glow and luminous appearance, resonates with the emotional depth and intuition of Cancer. This gem is associated with healing and emotional balance, providing comfort and nurturing energy to the nurturing and empathetic Cancer individuals.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Sunstone

As the Sun rules Leo, the radiant and confident lion of the zodiac, Sunstone is a fitting gemstone. Sunstone embodies Leo's vitality and positive energy with its shimmering appearance and warm tones. This gem is thought to enhance leadership qualities, creativity, and self-expression, aligning with Leos's charisma.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Peridot

Virgos are meticulous and practical, ruled by Mercury. Peridot, with its bright green color, represents Virgo's analytical and detail-oriented nature. This gemstone is associated with clarity, healing, and protection, supporting Virgos in maintaining balance and fostering personal growth.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Opal

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, rules Libras. Opal, with its play of colors and captivating beauty, aligns with Libra's aesthetic and harmonious nature. This gemstone is believed to enhance love, creativity, and balance, reflecting the Libran pursuit of equilibrium and appreciation for aesthetics.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Topaz

Intense and passionate, Pluto rules Scorpios. Topaz, with its deep and captivating hues, resonates with Scorpio's mysterious and transformative nature. This gemstone is associated with strength, courage, and emotional balance, supporting Scorpios in their journey of self-discovery and resilience.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Turquoise

Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarians are adventurous and optimistic. Turquoise, with its vibrant blue-green color, aligns with Sagittarius's free-spirited and expansive nature. This gemstone is believed to bring protection, good fortune, and positive energy, supporting Sagittarians on their quest for knowledge and exploration.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Garnet

Capricorns are practical and disciplined, ruled by Saturn. Garnet, with its deep red hues, reflects the grounded and determined nature of Capricorn. This gemstone is associated with strength, stability, and prosperity, supporting Capricorns in pursuing long-term goals and ambitions.

In conclusion, exploring the world of birthstone crystals can be an enchanting journey, connecting you with the unique energies and meanings of each gem. Whether you're a passionate crystal collector or seeking a meaningful gift, The Harmony Store is your ultimate destination. Our online shop offers a convenient and extensive selection, while our physical location provides a tactile and immersive experience. Discover the perfect birthstone crystal to adorn your life or gift to a loved one, and let the captivating energies of these gems enhance your well-being. Visit The Harmony Store today, where harmony and beauty converge in a celebration of nature's precious treasures. Embrace the magic within and elevate your spiritual journey with the power of birthstone crystals.

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