Benefits of Wearing Crystal Jewelry By Santiago Saavedra

As the Crystal world continues to show us the power of our Mind, Body, Soul, and spirit, we are understanding increasingly the power of intention and manifestation leading us through a beautiful journey of healing and unconditional Love. In this blog we will be discussing the beautiful benefits of wearing crystal bracelets or Jewelry in any form. Enhancing your journey of self-discovery.   

To begin understanding the power of crystals you need to understand that the power is not in the crystal but within you. As electromagnetic beings, we have the capability to conduct energy. Our mind can be a powerful healing tool when used properly. The idea that your brain can convince your body to give a fake treatment is something that we call “Placebo Effect.” With all the research done on the topic science has found that under the right circumstances, a placebo can be just as effective as traditional treatment. Placebos will not shrink your tumor or lower your cholesterol. Instead, modulated by the brain, placebos work on symptoms like the perception of pain.   

By understanding the magic within, putting the placebo effect into perspective, you will then need to focus your energy on the power of intention. Intention is the starting point of every dream. It is the creative power that fulfills all our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening, or love. Everything in the universe begins with intention. An intention is a direct impulse of consciousness that contains the seed form of what you wish to create. Like real seeds, intentions cannot grow if you hold on to them. Only when the intention is released into the fertile depths of your consciousness can they grow and flourish. When wearing a crystal, the power of the intention set with the healing properties of the crystal kick start the merger of magic within you and the crystal. This creates the Placebo effect on what it is you are focusing on healing, releasing, or attracting. 

If healing is the objective when working with crystals, it is critical that you understand your body and how it communicates with you. Our body sends us warning signals when it is overcoming any kind of infection or even before you feel any symptoms. As you are setting the intention with the crystals you will then begin to activate the connection of mind and body. You can begin by simply setting a mantra or affirmation. Every morning as you wake up you hold on to your crystal jewelry and speak out your intentions to the Universe. This will then begin to overwrite your programing in setting your intention, allowing you to center your energy. Using this same method, you can feed your body the proper vibrations to allow it to focus on the pain or infection that it may be battling, leading you onto a path of healing and recovery.  

As your body and mind connection then begins to evolve, you will have more control of your reality, creating open paths to endless opportunities filled with life and adventure. Manifestation is the action of your mind creating the life you wish to live. Your body then acts on a physical level creating in the third dimension. This concept of manifesting your reality through thought or “The Law of Attraction” can also be traced down back to ancient spiritual teachings, including Hindu ideas, about the unity of the mind, body and the universe. So, while wearing your crystal jewelry, you bring together your Power of Intention filled with the purity of healing, ready to power up and charge up your manifestations.  

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